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If you are in an abusive relationship, you owe it to yourself to end it. Ending a relationship can be difficult for several reasons. Some might say, "Why won't she/he just leave?"  It's easy to judge without fully understanding what a person is going through. What someone experiences behind closed doors could be nightmarish.

Imagine being isolated from friends and loved ones, experiencing the feeling of loneliness and hopelessness.  Quickly, feeling of embarrassment, shame, and guilt are fueled by low self-esteem and a negative self-concept.  

You are a  prisoner of your mind, tormented by your every thought," everyone knows, but no one raises a hand to help." 

You can almost feel the whispers hitting you against your ears," She/he is dumb for putting up with that treatment." 

Often people in abusive relationships experience guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, fear, and uncertainty.

4 Forms of Abuse.

Physical abuse to the victim by the abuser does not always occur in cases of abuse. If you feel unsafe, afraid, or controlled by your significant other, you are most likely in an abusive relationship.

1) Sexual abuse victims suffer in silence as the abuser repeatedly rapes them or forces them into a life of prostitution.  
2) Physical abuse may include hitting, kicking, in a nutshell, or inflicting physical harm to another. 
3) Psychological abuse could take the form of name-calling, insults, threats, or your partner flirting openly with others while you're present. 

abusive relationships signs
Psychological abuse could take the form of name-calling, insults.

4) Controlling often encompasses being restricted from needed resources; for example, little or no access to funds, inability to leave and return home, and denial of the use of transportation.

You should treat others with dignity and respect. Some people will observe abuse and neglect and will turn a blind eye toward the misdeed.  People, if you know of someone who is living under such conditions, call someone who can help them. If you need immediate help, call 911 or your local emergency service. 

The National Domestic violence hotline number is 

  • 1-800-799-7233 
  • 1-800-799-SAFE
Domestic violence
Domestic violence Awareness is important

There are several reasons why a person might not leave an abusive relationship.  

  1. Did you realize that some people think that abuse is normal? Gender role identification can impact what one considers normal or not rational. Cultural differences can influence what one believes to be a healthy or non-healthy relationship. Therefore, some people may not realize that the relationship that they are in is unhealthy.
  2. Individuals in abusive Relationships may not leave for financial reasons or lack of resources.  
  3. Because of their belief system, for example, culture and religion.
  4. Because of Fear
  5. The person feels that the relationship is normal because they don't know what a healthy relationship looks like.

I can’t stress this enough! If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, get help. Call a family member or a friend you can trust. 

But hold on, wait a minute!

 How do you know if someone is in an abusive relationship?

 He/she may not say anything, but you sense something is wrong.

1) Unexplained bruises could be a telltale sign of abuse. 
2) Have you ever noticed someone talking down to their partner? For example, He / She is often sarcastic. Their significant other uses subtle put-downs aimed at the other.  
3) Sometimes it's not what a person says verbally, but it's their body language that may tip you off that something is wrong.
4) Your friend or relative's behavior or mood has changed dramatically could be a sign that they are in an abusive relationship. 

Get the help you need!

The abuse will not stop on its own, so get help and fast. 

It is a mistake to think that the abuse will cease on its own; therefore, seek help.

Individual or family counseling could be your solution. Remember getting a divorce or ending unsatisfying and abusive relationships does not make you a failure.   

Author: Gregory M. Green is the author of various topics in the Social Sciences section of Inveigle MagazineHe writes on informative topics that bring awareness to the world. We are so pleased to have him as a part of Inveigle Magazine's Team. Follow us @Inveiglemagazi1. Follow me on LinkedIn. 

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