How to prevent ingrown hairs
The Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Ingrown Hairs
We all have skin problems from time to time. Most of these can be treated at home with ease, from acne to dry skin to redness and rashes. One common problem for people, even those who don't shave, can be ingrown hairs.
But what exactly are ingrown hairs? What causes them? How can they be treated and prevented?
This article will provide answers to these questions and helpful tips on how you can treat ingrown hairs at home.
What Are Ingrown Hairs?
An ingrown hair occurs when hair grows from the skin and curls back to grow into surrounding skin tissue. The result is either irritation, redness, or even infection. Ingrown hairs can be found anywhere on the body but are most common on the face, neck, bikini line, and legs.
What Causes Ingrown Hairs?
There are many causes of ingrown hairs, but the most common one is incorrect hair removal techniques. For example:
This is the most common way to remove hair, but it can also be the most damaging. When you shave, you're cutting the hair close to the skin, which can lead it to grow back into the surrounding tissue.
This is especially true when shaving with a razor.
As the razor glides across your skin, it trims off the hair very close to the surface. If you shave without using a good quality shaving cream or gel, it can cause the hair to become trapped beneath the skin as it regrows.
The hair follicle can curl into the skin when this happens, causing ingrown hair.
This is another popular facial and body hair removal method, but it can also lead to ingrown hairs. Waxing pulls the hair out from the root, which can lead to regrowth that curls back into the skin.
This is especially true when waxing areas with thick hair, such as the bikini line or legs. As the hair regrows, it can curl back into the skin, causing irritation and ingrown hairs.
Ingrown hairs can affect those who do not shave regularly as well.
Oils and Dead Skin:
Even when you don't shave, dead skin cells and oils can clog the pores of the skin if you don't use good skin care products. This causes the hair to become trapped beneath the pore as it begins to grow.
This can lead to ingrown hairs as well, even if you never shave.
Tight Clothing:
Tight clothing can also cause ingrown hairs, as can sweating and humidity.
Sweaty skin, wetness, and tight clothing can cause the pores of the skin to become clogged with sebum and sweat. This can then lead to the hair becoming trapped beneath the skin and developing into ingrown hair.
How Can Ingrown Hairs Be Treated?
There are a few ways to treat ingrown hairs that manage the pain and irritation, such as the following.
Exfoliating the Skin:
Exfoliation removes excess oil and dead skin cells that clog pores. This can reduce the chances of ingrown hair development.
Most dermatologists recommend exfoliation of the skin at least once a day. You can do this by using an exfoliating scrub, cloth, or brush.
You can also use a chemical exfoliant, such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid. These can be found in many facial cleansers and creams, so it's easy to incorporate these into your daily skincare routine.
Steroid Creams:
If the ingrown hair is accompanied by inflammation, redness, or swelling, a doctor may prescribe a topical steroid cream. This will help to reduce the inflammation and allow the hair to grow out normally.
Remove the Ingrown Hair:
If you don't know how to correctly draw out an ingrown hair, you should follow these steps:
- Wash the affected area with warm water and soap.
- Apply a hot compress to the area for about 1 minute.
- Gently use tweezers to extract the hair.
- Apply a topical antibiotic to the area if it becomes infected.
How Can Ingrown Hairs Be Prevented?
There are a few ways to prevent ingrown hairs.
Try changing your shaving routine |
Change your Shave Routine:
You will want to avoid shaving without using shaving cream or gel, as this can lead to irritation and ingrown hairs. You should also use shaving oil in the area where you will be shaving.
When shaving, you should also always shave in the direction of hair growth. This will help to prevent the hair from becoming trapped beneath the skin.
Ditch the Waxing:
If you notice that you are prone to ingrown hairs, you may want to stop waxing and opt for another hair removal method.
Cleanse Your Skin Thoroughly:
When you cleanse your skin, it's important to avoid harsh cleansers and exfoliants. These can cause your pores to clog, leading to ingrown hairs.
Instead, it's best to use gentle cleansers and exfoliants. This will allow the pores of your skin to open and release trapped oils and builds up.
Laser Hair Removal is an option |
Opt for Laser Hair Removal:
A great way to prevent embarrassment is to opt for laser hair removal. This is a long-lasting method of hair removal that will zap the follicle, preventing regrowth. Since the laser prevents regrowth, the hair will not have the chance to grow into your skin, curing your ingrown hairs.
Laser hair removal is a very safe method of hair removal that is performed in the office under the supervision of a trained professional. It's important to note that treatment can vary depending on your hair type, skin color, hair color, size of the area to be treated, and amount of hair.
The best laser hair removal perk is that it can be used on all areas of the body, making it a great choice for those who are prone to ingrown hairs. Additionally, it is much smoother and easier to maintain than shaving, waxing, or plucking.
As you can see, there are many different factors that can lead to ingrown hairs. They can develop even in people who don't shave regularly, and they can be quite painful.
So, don't let your ingrown hair woes keep you from looking and feeling your best anymore!
Now, you should be able to handle and prevent ingrown hairs by using the information provided. If this is a persistent problem, then remember that the best laser hair removal practices can take care of the problem for you!
Author: Miyah Andersen is a skilled beauty and health writer and practitioner. She currently works with Dermamode, providing the lowest laser hair removal in Montreal costs. She has previous experience in the beauty and health industry, writing for a website that provides information on tanning salons. Miyah loves to share her knowledge and help others achieve the beauty and health they desire. When she isn't writing or providing laser hair removal services, she is practicing yoga.