Electronic Devices for Everyday |
Electronic Devices
In today's society, we are so busy with our daily activities. We barely have time to mingle with family and friends, because we are always on some type of electronic device. The children are playing games. Adults are chatting on the phone and on social media. The wonderful thing is we can see each other through face time, Skype, Google duo, and any other calling device. These devices can be used for good things; as well as, bad things. Let's be careful, but aim to use them in safe ways that can protect us.Advertisement
Laptops and Tablets can be used for a variety of reasons. They can be used for learning activities, playing games, searching for important and educational information; such as school work, hairstyles, learning how to fix something, restaurants, and more.
I see so many people taking online educational classes, furthering their knowledge, so they can make something of their lives. That is awesome and something to be admired.
Connect With Your Family And Friends
I am very intrigued by the amount of time that we as humans spend on electronic devices. Some people barely look up to talk to their spouse at dinner because they are texting, on Facebook, or doing business meetings on the phone.Yes, we are in a World of multitasking to get things done. We are in a world where we must be connected to others at all times. This can be a good thing! It can help us be able to keep in touch with family members that stay out of town in various parts of the world.
Grandparents that live overseas or in another state are more able to keep in contact with their children and grandchildren by being able to actually see their face on the device and have a part in watching their little loved ones grow.
Servicemen that are doing their service duties for the country are able to keep connected with their family as best as possible through Skype, Face-Time, and other devices. Technology is very awesome!
We must continue to stay connected, even if we're in the same room with our children. Take time to play the fun and educational games with them! Laugh and have fun with the children, building memories that will last forever! Build a lasting connection with a little one that may one day have to come to visit you and give you much need attention.
Protect our children while using electronic devices |
Protect The Children While Using Electronic Devices
Children are not only our future but our present also. We must protect them from devious people that can try to harm precious kids through electronic devices. Put safety measures in place that can protect your kids.Have open communication with children to pre-warn them of Cyber dangers. Shield them with love and protection.
As I stated earlier, play some of the games with them so you'll know what's going on and what they are actually playing; meanwhile, building a great relationship with them.
Don't let the game be your children's babysitter, while you ignore them. I wish you and your children the best with your education, family time, safety, and using your electronic devices safely! Have an awesome day!
Inveigle Magazine
Author on Inveigle Magazine
Author: Arica Green (Arica G) is the Founder and Editor of Inveigle Magazine. She created a premiere Lifestyle, Fashion, and Beauty Magazine to entice you towards positive change and increase the quality of life. With Arica's love for writing and informing the Universe about a variety of topics, Inveigle Magazine was born. Follow us @ Inveiglemagazi1 & on FB . View more articles by Arica Green