Out of Africa and Beyond: Beautiful Genus.

Out of Africa and Beyond: Beautiful Genus.  

Out of Africa and Beyond: Beautiful Genus

There is no research to support evidence of different races 

Scientific racism was used to support and validate racist world perspectives by categorizing people based on the color of their skin and other physical characteristics in a hierarchy of superiority and inferior. Scientific racism employed various paradigms of science, for example, craniology and craniometry. Both craniology and craniometry are concerned with the study of human skulls' shapes and sizes of the different so-called races. Anthropometry dealt with the differences in measurements of body proportions between racial groups. Today craniometry, craniology, and anthropometry have all fallen into obscurity.    

Samuel Morton

Samuel Morton, who has been labeled the father of scientific racism, measured various skulls to compare the brain size of individuals from different racial groups. Morton's finding was influenced by ethnically bias views which served to maintain the dominant social system of his time a social hierarchy of division and slavery. 

Many would agree that the term race as applied to the calcification and discrimination of groups of people is nothing more than an archaic social construct with no scientific basis.

Dominant and subjugation 

As I rummage through history books and explore the internet researching the history of our species, it becomes even more apparent that nations, organizations, and individuals innately seek dominance over one another by force, through fear, or by hoarding resources and opportunity. Therefore, creating a hierarchy of social systems characterized by dominant and subordinate groups, or those who are privileged and others who are not so privileged.

One might say," your revelation is nothing more than common sense." But, what if what we have come to call common sense is nothing more then common knowledge.  Collective knowledge builds on thousands of years of learning that has been passed on from our earliest ancestors.

Technology, ideologies, and customs that we to shell pass on to future generations. What legacy will we leave to our descendants? In Shakespeare's play, The Merchant of Venice; Shylock reminds us that regardless of social class, we all are human," I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew's eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, if you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?"
DNA reveals ancient roots

Scientific and archaeological research

Scientific and archaeological research has accumulated evidence supporting the claim that we all are descendants of one group of hominids that were located in sub-Saharan Africa.

Hominids are members of the Hominidae family including, extinct humans species, for example, Neanderthal, and Denisovan,  gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. In an article published by the Smithsonian Institute, "What does it mean to be human?" explains that the genetic difference between individuals humans today is about 0.1%. 

According to the Smithsonian Institute,
"study of the same aspects of the chimpanzee genome indicates a difference of about 1.2%."

 Research does not support the claim that humans evolved from chimpanzees or Apes; however, finding supports the claim that humans and other modern hominids had a common ancestor.

DNA testing can now unveil how much DNA a person has inherited from our prehistoric ancestors and it is widely accepted that Homo sapiens (modern humans), Neanderthals and Denisovans mated.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine,
” The percentage of Neanderthal DNA in modern humans is zero or close to zero in people from African populations, and is about 1 to 2 percent in people of European or Asian background. The percentage of Denisovan DNA is highest in the Melanesian population (4 to 6 percent), lower in other Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander populations, and very low or undetectable elsewhere in the world.”

Out of Africa and Beyond. 

Scientific and Archeological evidence is challenging archaic notions and shedding new light on both evolution and migration patterns of homo sapiens.  Archeologist and Scientist have followed Humanities footsteps through DNA. 

Although, it is not clear when or why homo sapiens departed Africa it’s believed that between 70,000-100,000 years ago we set out on an epic journey that would not only shape our future but forever reshape the world. Modern humans reached Asia somewhere around 70,000 years ago and continued to inhabit south-eastern Asia, eventually reaching Australia. 

According to the National Geographic,” About 50,000 years ago, a small band of humans landed in northern Australia, arriving on a primitive boat or raft. It is likely that the journey was planned because enough men and women arrived to found a new population there.” However, many things are not clear about the African exodus and evolution there exists an air of mystery, and both are open for debate.

 The population Scattered

Scientist believes that a second migration occurred out of Africa around 50,000 years ago. Scanty populations of modern humans populated Eurasia during the second migration out of African. Eurasia encompasses both the continents of Asia and Europe.

Scattered populations of people tracked out of Africa and through the middle east and on to Central Asia. From central Asia homo, sapiens branched off into Europe and Beringia. After settling in Beringia for a time, an ancient human crossed the Bering straits eventually reaching the Americans.  

Natural law is a moral theory that asserts moral standards direct human behaviors. Saint Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic priest and a medieval philosopher. His beliefs and teaching still today have an impact on contemporary societies. Aquinas believed that the universe runs on two kinds of laws secular law (natural law) and eternal (religious law). Eternal law is universal and consists of laws that give order to the universe; it's God’s wisdom. Mankind cannot know God’s wisdom; it would be too much to bear. Natural law is human participation in eternal law through reason. Divine law refers to the will of God, and scripture gives humans guidance on how one ought to live.

God’s will governs the universe
Therefore, eternal law (God’s will) governs the universe and all that it encompasses. Evolution could be a part of the creator’s great design. I believe that a person can believe in both theology and evolution.

People are rational, yet emotional; compassionate, yet destructive; loyal, yet deceitful; we maim, take the lives of others, yet we heal and nurture. Humans do things without thinking, yet we have a purpose!! We manipulate the environment and create conditions that suit us. With all our shortcomings, our species is remarkable!!!

Author: Gregory M. Green is the author of various topics in the Social Sciences section of Inveigle MagazineHe writes on informative topics that bring awareness to the world. We are so pleased to have him as a part of Inveigle Magazine's Team. Follow us @Inveiglemagazi1. Follow me on LinkedIn. 

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