Lifestyle Factors To Help Prevent Strokes

Get regular checkups with your doctor

Things To Help Prevent Strokes

We as children, parents, and individuals, desire to live an extensive healthy life without having to depend on others for our essential needs. Unfortunately, there are many adverse situations that can cause a person to have to depend on their loved ones and/or a nursing facility for their daily needs. If you could do something to help prevent it, would you? Most of us would say "Yes" in a heartbeat! To accomplish that we have to have regular doctor visits and lifestyle change that gives us healthier eating and exercise habits; as well as, various other things.


The main stroke risk factors are:

As stated earlier, some lifestyle risk factors can include the lack of a proper exercise routine and a healthy diet filled with nutritious vitamins. Those lifestyle factors can be controlled by breaking substandard patterns and behaviors that contribute to strokes. If these lifestyle behaviors are changed for the better, they can affect improving some medical risks.

Tips to improve the risk of having a stroke are:

  • Getting the proper exercise
  • Quit Smoking
  • Losing weight
  • Taking steps to lower the blood pressure.

High blood pressure
Various complications of high blood pressure

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the pressure of blood against the wall of your artery. It can cause blood vessel damage that can lead to a stroke, heart disease,  and kidney disease, among other problems. It is known as a silent killer because it can sneak up on you with unnoticed symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 75 million Americans have high blood pressure. 

Some risk factors for a stroke are inherited, and others are treated by a special type of diet. Some examples of improving your diet are reducing your amount of salt and cholesterol intake. You should always talk to your doctor about alternatives available to help prevent the chances of having a stroke.

According to Harvard Health Publishing,
Ways to achieve reducing stress:
  • "Reduce the salt in your diet to no more than 1,500 milligrams a day (about a half teaspoon).
  • Avoid high-cholesterol foods, such as burgers, cheese, and ice cream.
  • Eat 4 to 5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day, one serving of fish two to three times a week, and several daily servings of whole grains and low-fat dairy.
  • Get more exercise — at least 30 minutes of activity a day, and more, if possible.
  • Quit smoking, if you smoke.
If needed, take blood pressure medicines."

Blood pressure
Lower blood pressure for your health

Even if you love to eat those foods that are high in salt, you must one day come to the understanding that your taste is acquired. Take the time to try new and healthier foods that can contribute to lowering your blood pressure. Acquire a taste for healthy foods. 

Try reducing the salt and cholesterol in your diet. Try having some Natural potassium, magnesium, and fiber. It may help control your blood pressure.

Some natural sources are:

  • Apples
  • bananas
  • broccoli
  • sweet potatoes
  • tuna


There are many ways to exercise. Try some cardio or aerobic exercise to get in shape, help lose weight, and reduce high blood pressure which causes strokes. At least 30 minutes most days of the week will reduce high blood pressure risk.

Regular exercise can 

  • Reduce the risk of a person having a stroke.
  • Helps you lose weight
  • It tends to lower your blood pressure,
  • Improve the health of your blood vessels.
  • Controls diabetes
  • Reduces Stress
Exercise can reduce the risk of a stroke

According to the Stroke Association.
"Physical activity improves heart function and lipid profile by lowering total cholesterol. It lowers blood pressure and resting heart rate. Being active reduces the risk and severity of diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity, and it improves strength, balance, endurance and long-term brain health. For stroke survivors, these benefits can spell the difference between dependence and independence."

Some types of Exercise

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Jogging
  • Bicycling

Quit Smoking

Smoking causes a reduction of oxygen in the blood, which contributes to having a stroke. This causes your heart to have to work harder to pump the blood through your body.

Smoking can cause blood clots that can travel to the veins or arteries in your heart, brain, lungs, and limbs. It can give the potential for a heart attack or stroke.
According to the Quit Smoking Community, "The arteries leading to your brain are especially vulnerable to damage by smoking. As these arteries shrink and tighten, it may be impossible for adequate blood flow to get to your brain and create the right conditions for an aneurysm to occur. Smoking damages smaller blood vessels, making them more likely to rupture."
Smoking, Health
Stop smoking - It's bad for your health

How Can Strokes be prevented? The ABCs of Heart Health

According to the CDC,  
"A good place to start is with the ABCs of heart health:14
🗹 Aspirin: Aspirin may help reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. But do not take aspirin if you think you are having a stroke. It can make some types of stroke worse. Before taking aspirin, talk to your doctor about whether aspirin is right for you.
🗹 Blood pressure: Control your blood pressure.
🗹 Cholesterol: Manage your cholesterol.
🗹 Smoking: Quit smoking, or don’t start."
Signs of a stroke

Signs of a stroke

Use the acronym F.A.S.T. to remember the signs.

🗹 Face: Is their face drooping?
🗹 Arm: Is one arm weak?
🗹 Speech: Is their speech slurred?
🗹 Time: Call 911 immediately if you notice any of these signs.

Author: Arica  Green (Arica G) is the Founder and Editor of  Inveigle Magazine. She created a premiere Lifestyle, Fashion, and Beauty Magazine to entice you towards positive change and increase the quality of life. With Arica's love for writing and informing the Universe about a variety of topics, Inveigle Magazine was born. Follow us @ Inveiglemagazi1 & on FB . View more articles by Arica Green

Inveigle Magazine
Arica G

Arica G. is the founder and Editor In Chief of Inveigle Magazine and Inveigle Magazine Podcast.

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