7 Secrets to Succeed at Your Fitness Regime!

Secrets to Succeed at Your Fitness Regime!

Tips to Succeed at Your Fitness Regime!

If you have just decided to add exercise into your busy schedule, trust me you are going to reap the benefits of it in the later stages of your life with increased cardiovascular health and a strong immune system. However, this is true that new habits bring new challenges. The anxiety of embracing an entirely new fitness routine to achieve that lean body can take you by surprise.

Fret not! Because today I bring you the secrets that you will find effective in achieving your fitness goals:

1. Don’t Change Your Exercise Routine for Two Weeks, At least:

Once you have started following a workout plan, stick to it for two weeks. After every 14 days, change your routine-it helps you stay motivated and gives you more variety. A study conducted by the University of Florida stated that people who changed their workout routine twice a month are more likely to stick to their exercise routine.

2. Don’t Skip the Most Important Meal of the Day:

Many people believe that breakfast is supposed to be the main meal of the day. Although, breakfast is very important, however, here, by the most important meal we mean the recovery meal that you take after a workout. 

According to Amanda Carlson, vice president of nutrition and research for Athletes’ Performance and Core Performance, she says that a big number of women skip their recovery meals after workouts believing they must not eat the calories they just burned.

Whereas if they take 20 to 30 grams of carbs and 10 to 15 grams of protein helps muscle recovery and fills up the body with energy. Also, this helps in building a lean figure.

3. Engage Key Muscles:

When you work out mindlessly, all your hard work becomes forgettable! And that means you should also forget about the results. You should not only simply move with the motion, but deeply feel, think and engage your key muscles. When you remain vigilant during exercise, you actually enjoy the feeling of building stronger and more powerful muscles.

4. Be Flexible with Your Weight Loss Goals:

Trying to achieve the exact weight is, in most cases, an unattainable goal. When you remain less specific and more flexible regarding losing certain pounds, say 10 or 15, gives you more realistic and positive results. The flexible weight loss goals help you stay motivated and make you feel accomplished as you follow your workout routine.

5. Hang the Bar Tight:

If you cannot pull up on the bar, it's okay! You can still hang on the bar for as long as you can, in order to improve your upper body strength. 

The main goal of the bar is to ensure you get a powerful upper body, and you can also do it by keeping your body still. This helps you engage other muscles in your body naturally, such as the abs, lower back, and hips. 

Furthermore, you can slowly move your legs in a circular motion or up and downwards to engage your abs more deeply.

6. Go Harder with Your Workout:

If you really want to see the results, don’t repeat the same workout. Make your workout harder and more intense. 

The best way to practice this tip is to challenge yourself every time you exercise and pick more weight, restless between the sets, and add more reps and sets to your workout routine. These small changes will ensure you get the desired results eventually.

7. Be Vigilant of What You Do:

Although getting harder and harder on your workout is tempting as well as fruitful, mind it, you don’t get into an injury. Especially beginners, as they become excited and can sometimes use the machinery inappropriately. If you don’t know how to start a specific exercise or use a certain machine, ask your personal trainer.

Also, warm-up before you get into any workout session because a personal injury of such kind occurring during a workout can be hazardous; as well as life-altering for you and your family.

Women should remember to wear a properly fitted sports bra.

Author:  John Adams writes about lifestyle and fitness. He encourages his readers to improve their quality of life by incorporating positive and good things. As he loves to share his insight about life experiences, he has contributed to various online platforms in the same niche.

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